
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Protect your eyes and wear your shades

Wearing your sunglasses is not just a fashion statement in the summer

It is summertime; the sun is shining and everyone enjoys spending time outdoors.
Most people are aware of the harm UV radiation can do to the skin, but many may not realize that exposure to UV radiation can harm the eyes and  can also affect vision.
It’s important to protect your eyes from the damage caused by even a single outing on a very bright day. Intense, excessive exposure to ultraviolet light reflected off sand, snow or pavement can damage the eye’s surface.  “sunburn of the eye”, photokeratitis may be painful and include symptoms such as red eyes, a  gritty feeling in the eyes, extreme sensitivity to light and excessive tearing. Fortunately, this is usually temporary and rarely causes permanent damage to the eyes. To ensure your eyes are protected, wear sunglasses and a broad-rimmed hat. When selecting sunglasses, make sure they block 99 to 100 percent of UV-A and UV-B rays. But don’t be deceived by color or cost. The ability to block UV light is not dependent on the darkness of the lens or the price tag. Also, while out enjoying the sun in the water, remember to wear swimming goggles whenever you swim. Chlorine can make your eyes red and puffy; and ponds, oceans and lakes may have bacteria that can get underneath contact lenses and cause inflammation of the cornea. The longer the eyes are exposed to solar radiation, the greater the risk of developing later in life conditions, such as cataracts or macular degeneration. Don’t forget protection for children and teenagers. They typically spend more time in the sun than adults.  Remember to protect your eyes when you step out into the sun. If you experience any vision problems, see an optometrist. 
American Optometric Association

A great reason to eat the tops of your celery

Celery Leaves, A Nutrient Super Star

Stop throwing away the tops of your celery!
Do you cut off the celery leaves and only use the sticks? Don’t worry most people don’t realize that is where most of the nutrients are. Celery leaves contain more calcium, iron, potassium, beta-carotene, and vitamin C than the stalks.
Celery helps regulate fluid balance  by stimulating urine production and rid the body of excess fluid.
Celery is also an antioxidant that enhances white blood cells and the immune system.
Great ways to use them: Use like parsley or add as a green into a salad.  Great for juicing and smoothies.

Is Fresh Better than Frozen Broccoli?

Is Fresh Better than Frozen Broccoli

Surprise frozen broccoli has more beta -carotene by weight than fresh. Thirty five percent more!
The sulforaphane in broccoli can help your body fight infection. It also contains a high level of vitamin C that helps create collagen, which keeps the skin healthy, firm and glowing.  Broccoli is also a great food for detoxifying the body. If you vitamin D is low broccoli is a great food to eat to increase your levels.
Great ways to eat broccoli:
Steam and add to eggs for a great omelette or scatter on top of a pizza.

A great source of Calcuim


Figs are surprisingly high in calcium. And you can even eat the peel!
Figs are a rare fruit source for calcium. They may help prevent bone loss associated with aging.
Figs are also high in fiber, which may reduce the risk of colon, breast and prostate cancers.
Figs are a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps to control blood pressure.
Figs are also good for your eyes. A sweet food that will help fight Macular Degeneration.
California figs are available from June through September
A great way to eat them is when they are fresh, soft and aromatic. They pair nicely with cheese or on a salad.

A spoonful a day can help lower your cholesterol

Sesame Seeds

A recent study found that people with high LDL ( bad ) cholesterol ate a few spoonfuls of sesame seeds a day, their LDL levels dropped by almost 10 percent. Sesame seeds are also one of the richest sources, by weight, of iron.
How to use them: Sprinkle on oatmeal, on salads or on steamed vegetables. Make hummus with tahini, a sesame seed butter.

How to Live Your Life with Less Drama and More Happiness

Finding Personal Freedom

Thousands of years ago the Toltec were known throughout Southern Mexico as the ” people of knowledge”.  They were masters (naguals) and students. They believed that everyone had the ability to have personal freedom. Personal freedom brings self love,  joy, fulfillment,  confidence and your true self. It eliminates self judgement, gossip, fear, pain suffering and misunderstanding. John Lennon said – “Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see…”
To start your journey you have only 4 agreements to follow. It  will not be easy, it will take time to change your old habits.  The reward will be worth it. The first agreement is the most important.
So what does that mean?  The way we communicate is like a double edged sword, it is a powerful tool. Words create beautiful songs, poetry, and build many dreams. Your words can also destroy people and nations if misused. It can create a living hell and make people fear each other. (Example Hitler)   Words are many times used to spread toxic ( mean , jealous, anger, hate and envy ) feelings. So first change the way you talk to yourself .
Self love – how much you love yourself  is directly linked to the words you use and the way you feel. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid speaking badly of yourself and gossiping about others. Use your words for honesty,  love and to nurture relationships.

Quit Taking It Personally
People take what others say very personal and in fact it is only a reflection of their own pain.  We assume that everything is about “me”. When you take something someone says personally, we make the assumption that they know our lives. Then we eat their emotional garbage.  Taking things personally sets you up for suffering and we are addicted to suffering. People will even help others suffer. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When we are immune to the opinions and actions of others you won’t be the victim of suffering.

We all make assumptions of what others are doing or thinking.  Most of your sadness in life is caused by assumptions and taking things personally.  Instead of asking questions we assume. We feel weak or stupid if we have to ask questions.   Clear communication avoids conflict and takes away stress and assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and express what you really want. Communicate with other as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama.  With this one agreement you can transform your life.

Doing your best means the best that you can do in that moment.  If you do anything less, you will self judge, have  regrets, guilt and frustration .  Simply do your best. Doing your best you will learn that you can live, love, and be happy. Isn’t that what life is all about anyways ?

Happiness is a choice, and so is suffering.

The For Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

Many health problems are caused by bad posture

Good posture improves your health

posture chart
Good posture is important as we age. Stand up tall, pull you shoulders back and most importantly move your head so that your ears are inline with your shoulders. The human head weighs about eight percent of the total body mass — with every inch the head moves forward, its weight doubles and the muscles in the neck, shoulders and upper back are forced to contract excessively to support the head in the strained position. When the muscles are overworked, pain, fatigue and poor digestion are a few side effects.
In a recent study from San Francisco State University, students were told to either walk down a hall in a slouched position or to skip. The slouchers reported increased feelings of depression and lower energy than skippers.
How to  fix your posture. Get yourself assessed by a professional — your MD or a chiropractor. It’s hard to change something when you’re not aware of it. These specialists will be able to assess the problem areas and implement techniques on how to get better posture.

Great ways to eat healthy on a budget

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Tips for Stretching Your Food Budget
Eating  healthy does not mean higher cost. I believe you should spend 80 percent of your food budget on whole foods ( fresh produce)  and only 20 percent on processed foods. Most of your grocery shopping should be done on the outer edges of the super market, that is where the perishable and nutrient dense  foods are. The center of the store is non perishable foods .  Unfortunately most Americans currently do the opposite.  Also avoiding the center of the store you will not be as tempted to buy the cookies or chips impulsively since you won’t see them.
  1.  Make a menu for the week and then make your grocery list off of the ingredients needed.  Many grocery stores have a marked down area. Check to see what gems you can find there. Sometimes I find bananas just right for banana bread or summer squash that will go great in a salad for that night.
  2. Buy canned foods such as beans and tomatoes when they are on sale and stock up on staples when they are on sale.
  3.  Get back to the basics of cooking – using the bones from a roast chicken to make stock for a pot of soup or   make a  hearty stew  or chili from inexpensive cuts of meat.  Many of your childhood favorites are inexpensive homemade dishes. A great example is shepherd’s pie, it will feed the family a nutritious meal and is easy to make also low in cost.
  4. Shop local farmers markets and eat only in season produce.  You may be surprised to find out that by going directly to the source you can get amazingly healthy, locally-grown, organic food for less than you can find at your supermarket. This gives you the best of both worlds: food that is grown near to you, cutting down on its carbon footprint and giving you optimal freshness, as well as grown without chemicals, genetically modified seeds, and other potential toxins.
  5. Buy in bulk when non-perishable items go on sale. Buy by the pound from bins, saving both you and the supplier the cost of expensive packaging. Shop at a discount store like Sam’s Club or BJ’s .
  6. Grow your own garden. Now is a great time to start planting your Spring garden. Have your kids help, they will find it rewarding eating the fresh produce that they helped grow.
Do you have any thrifty money saving tips to share? I’d love to hear them

Herbs to promote healthy teeth and gums

Sage Mouth rinse for healthy gums

Rinsing your mouth daily with a solution of sage tea and sea salt helps prevent gum disease. Both sage and sea salt are mildly antiseptic, relieve inflammation, and promote healing. Since the are astringent, they also help tighten gum tissue.
1 cup boiling water
2 teaspoons dried sage
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
Pour boiling water over sage in a cup. Let it stand (steep) for 15 minutes. Strain, add the sea salt, and cool till lukewarm. Use about 1/4 cup to swish in mouth before brushing your teeth. Use 1/4 cup again after brushing your teeth as mouth wash. Use twice a day.

1001 Natural Remedies

Should you ice an injury?

Should you ice an injury or heat it instead or take anti inflammatory drugs ? 

This is a question that many people ask. Do I heat ice or heat an injury?  Taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen ( Advil ) before intense cycling damages the cells of the small intestine and reduces gut barrier function, which might allow bacteria to escape into the bloodstream. The better option to ward off pain and inflammation is to ice the area after the work out.

Source Consummer Reports Heath March 2013

Breathing to reduce stress and anxiety

Breathing to reduce stress and anxiety

The past few days may have left you feeling more unsettled. Dr Weil has a great breathing technique that everyone should do daily to help relax. It will help you manage stress and fight off depression. April is Stress Awareness month, watch the video everyone can benefit from deeper, slower, quieter, and regular breathing.

Last month I had the great opportunity to meet Dr Weil and he demonstrated this great breathing technique. He uses it for his patients.
It is is used for anxiety, sleep problems, cravings, and depression.

Once you develop this breathing technique by practicing it every day, twice a day, it will be a very useful tool that you will always have with you. Use it whenever anything upsetting happens – before you react. Use it whenever you are aware of internal tension. Use it to help you fall asleep. Use it to deal with food cravings. Great for mild to moderate anxiety, this exercise cannot be recommended too highly. Everyone can benefit from it. Learn more about Breathing Exercises.
See all of Dr. Weil’s videos here.
For more information  go to

Source Dr Weil